In conversation with Girda Gomez Niles and Carol Conway we surfaced 5 powerful P’s of why Action Learning is important to us as facilitators and as set members.
The Process: is full of simple and complex secret sauce layers that give time to think, problem solve, be curious and take action.
It’s Practical: “unearths what I didn’t know I knew about this issue”, through the power in the pause that lets us get really practical.
There is Potential: of being transformative “because it enables deep thinking and encourages us to be challenged to think differently. It opens doors of perception and possibility. It changes us.
Brings Perspective: in the safety of the space, don’t get mad get curious, there is recognition of the burden of the issues we struggle with as these are shared – a chance to come out of our echo chambers.
Practice: Whether as a set member or facilitator being in a set allows you to practice. “Helps me be authentic and out of my headspace to keep me integrated”, “ it has supercharged my listening and questioning”, “helps me be more open flexible calmer”.
What great conversations we had about why we are so committed and passionate about Action Learning and what it gives us personally as well as professionally. Big thanks to Girda and Carol for sharing some helpful insights into the power of their own experiences of Action Learning.
Hear the conversations in full