Blog Posts
Ready to Supercharge Your Facilitation?
Action Learning is inherently a reflective practice—it builds awareness and sharpens reflective skills. The entire Action Learning (AL) cycle revolves around reflection, making it a core part of becoming an effective facilitator.
Encouraging facilitators to develop a habit of reflection is key to their self development and learning.
Whether you're a new facilitator still stretching your skills or an experienced one operating on instinct, intentional reflection keeps your practice dynamic.
There are few spaces where we can feel truly safe enough to share and explore what we really think, to fully reflect, be open, vulnerable even, take risks and admit mistakes.
We know one of the key aspects people value in Action Learning is the psychological safety and confidentiality. Their Set is a space where they can express how they feel and can be themselves.
According to researcher Timothy R Clark there are four dimensions that need to be present for people to feel safe to fully show up without fear of being made wrong or judged. These are: feeling included, that it’s safe to learn, safe to contribute and safe to challenge.
What do Sets do together that means this space is rich with possibility and curiosity rather than judgement and opinion?
How to help people arrive in virtual meetings when there’s no distance to travel. This article gives tips for how to do this quickly and effectively.
Sam Silver social entrepreneur, CEO of Action-Attainment has successfully been using Action Learning to support parents. Read how she’s done it.
“We work mainly with primary aged children to support their development before any mental health issues arise. We wanted to support the parents by bringing them together to help problem solve using open questions.
As a leader, have you ever had an inconclusive conversation with colleagues about how they are going to address an issue that has arisen? Did it leave you feeling uncertain, unclear on the outcomes and actions?
Understanding the arc of conversations…
we ran a short workshop looking at how to develop questioning skills in Action Learning sets. One aspect we explored was the idea that as facilitators and questioners we can develop habits and have biases towards certain types of questions.
Divergent thinking lends itself to open-ended problems and encourages people to develop their own solutions to problems. It’s about creating options and possibilities and not judging the ideas and suggestions that arise.
“Can we take notes?” is a question often asked in our Action Learning facilitator training.
It won’t surprise you that there’s no clear answer.
We did a straw poll with the ALC team to check out our current practice.